Did you know? [The number 13]

It is believed that the fear for the number 13 stems from primitive man being unable to count past 12. Numbers beyond 12 do now have an individual and independent name but are a combination of the first 12 numbers. With 12 being the end of the line, 13 was moving into unknown territory. In Norse mythology the 13th number led to the death of Baldur, the beloved of the gods. When the 12 gods gathered for a banquet in Valhalla, Loki gatecrashed the party, increasing the number to 13, which led to the death of Baldur. It also happens that in Tarot cards, 13 is called "Death."

The Lucky Number 13

But 13 is not unlucky for all. The Mayas worshipped the 13 gods of the upper world. The Aztecs climbed 13 steps to their sacred places. Buddhists paid homage to 13 Buddhas. In Jewish faith, God revealed Himself by 13 attributes of bountiful mercy. The orthodox Jewish prayer book holds the Thirteen Principles of Faith. Jewish boys celebrate their Bar Mitzvah at age 13.

The number 13 in Greek is triskaideka and the fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia.

Ovechkin's goal against the Habs

We love the Habs but we cannot possibly prevent an amazing player like Ovechkin from scoring such an incredible goal.

Layout Change

I have just shifted the whole layout of the blog. I think this one looks much better. I still need to make some minor modifications and this site is up and running.

A Few Tunes I'd Like To Share

Click on the song names to listen also for download link.

Flanders - Behind (Callea Mix)

Also, be sure to check out
Mixtape Mansion 
Your one-stop source for HipHop, Reggae and Rnb. 
Updated daily with the freshest tracks out there.

''Lunar Park'' by Bret Easton Ellis

So I just finished reading this semi-biographical novel written by Bret Easton Ellis, Author of the controversial Bestseller American Psycho. The novel begins with an inflated and parodic but reasonably accurate portrayal of Ellis' early fame. The novel dissolves into fiction as Ellis describes a liaison with an actress named Jayne Dennis, whom he later marries, and with whom he conceives an (initially) illegitimate child. From this point the fictional Ellis' life reflects the real Ellis' only in some descriptions of the past and possibly in his general sentiments. Starting out with a lot of humor and goes on in terrible horror, I could easily place it in my top 15 reads of all time. Palm-Star Entertainment has announced production of a movie version of Lunar Park with an expected release date later this year. Be sure to check it out if you like books from the genre of Stephen King. 

Articles On Sleep

Hitting the snooze button every morning? Coming back from school too tired to do any homework? The biggest problems in my life are procrastination and laziness. I believe those are caused mostly by my lack and quality of sleep. I've been reading some articles written by a certain Steve Pavlina and I believe that after reading those they will really help kicking the bad habits concerning sleep and sleep cycles.

How To Become An Early Riser

How To Become An Early Riser - Part 2

How To Get Up Right Away When Your Alarm Goes Off

How To Wake Up Feeling Totally Alert

Alcohol Awareness Irony.

Totally Priceless.
Click to enlarge

Thou Shalt Read My Blog.

Hi all and welcome to my blog. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Fadi Derjany. I'm an 18 year old full time student at John Abbott College and I reside in the greater Montreal area. I was once told that starting your own blog helps you become more creative and constructive, therefore here I am with my own. I'll be posting links, images, thoughts and videos of the little things that make my days quite a bit more interesting and I will be looking forward to comments and suggestions. A simple riddle to start off with:

Can you solve this mathematical question?
